Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Now 4 cities, 4 days.... UGH

So now I update my travels with an additional day on the road, which screams "how can you possibly get in 90 miles with all this going on?" Answer, no sleep and running in the dark (Ed, I know you run in the dark even when it's light out). So I had the luxury this morning of running St Louis' Forest Park, where I used to run in a bi-annual Turkey Trot race as a youngster. I probably was much better and faster back then, but that's another entry altogether. I was short on time, so I didn't get in my 75 minute LT, but rather a 45 minute one instead. I had a set of splits in the mid 6's, which is consistent with prior workouts. Was windy and hilly, but much fun (if an LT can be called such). I have arrived in Minneapolis, so I will test the GI fortitude I exhibit by going up to the concierge floor and shoveling in some appetizers and then put in another 7 or so this evening.

Off to Cincinnati tomorrow evening and then Philly the following. Can't wait to get back to the lakeshore for some uninterrupted running.

1 comment:

Danni said...

Hey Matt, you and Jen should come out for this:
